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About Me

Metalsmith // Jewelry Designer // Jewelry Casters Daughter

About Me


While being immersed in the jewelry industry world for most of my life, I've seen eclectic piles of brass, bronze, and silver pieces at my fathers shop never knowing the bigger picture. Harrison Casting Co is my family’s lost wax casting shop located in Johnston, Rhode Island. The funny part, I wanted nothing to do with jewelry but it somehow found its way into my life.

Graduating from Rhode Island College in 2016 with a bachelors degree in Metalsmithing/Jewelry Design, I saved up my money right away and bought my jewelers bench.

About my work

Growing up in the lost wax casting world, I’ve always been connected with starting my pieces from wax. The manipulation of texture and playfulness of wax is what first grabbed my attention with the ridge band, my first piece of jewelry.

Working primarily in silver, I combine the knowledge of the lost wax casting world and my college studies with technical skills and finishing.
I’m interested in the abstract visuals of the organic vs. the technical , the darkness vs. the light , and the “worn in “ look vs. the modern and new look.