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enjoy the pick your own size collection. getting a beautiful one of a kind piece doesn’t have to be so exclusive anymore. it’s simple, you find a piece you want, pick your desired size and I get right to work on making the ring for you. each product is staged with the type of ring band

choose from the unique and textured earring collection. everything from simple studs to genuine and ethically sourced stones.

*stud/ear wire variations, too.*

a ring is where Briana Harrison Metals was born. choose from the original ridge band or something unique and one of a kind.

*ring sizers are available to purchase if you don’t know your size!*

choose from a variation of all sorts of necklaces. simple and sweet circles for everyday occasions or something a little extra and one of a kind for that perfect accessory.

*chain lengths may or may not be able to be changed from long to short, don’t be afraid to reach out for specific customizations*

bracelets for bracelet lovers. these bracelets are made with precise technical skills including hand soldered links and clasps.